Wish that worthiness came in a bottle and we could bring it out in the low times of our lives. Do you hustle for worthiness because of old feelings that creep up that say “never good enough” or do you hustle for worthiness because of competition? It is that voice, those words that get in the way of a true intimate connection? It all starts in the beginning with the collection of stories, experiences and the truth. It’s the strength versus the struggle that keeps us out of flow. When we awaken to our own real feelings of love we can then learn to let go of what others think and own our story with pride and dignity which gives us a bridge to worthiness. When we connect to our own feelings, we are enough just as we are, and we like anyone else is worthy of respect, love and acceptance. So where do we sign up for this?

Worthiness is ego based but the real story lives deep within a person’s emotions. Worthiness starts from youth and builds up. Shame is the basis of insecure, low self esteem and unworthy feelings. They store up in the muscle character becoming a part of one’s personality. Shame has worthiness, like baggage has success. We as people are always on a fight for worthiness by performances, proving ourselves to others, pleasing everyone, and being the perfectionist. Some carry around the “ifs” if I lose weight or go to college or make money then I am worthy. When we remove this stigma from our egos we can understand just what our real talents are and what our mission and purpose is here. Worthiness can be symbolic. When I was a child just 9 and very sick in a hospital for 6 months I lost not only confidence and courage but worthiness as a human being. I had a doll sitting at my bedside who was dressed up and looking like the world was hers except she was a toy doll. So I imagined that I was her and put a note beside her saying “I am worthy” and it was through this doll that I learned to understand and cultivate worthiness. I still have this doll today and had purchased a new dress for her to represent where I am in my life and how I attained worthiness in my soul. It was a journey and I had to go through many negative moments before I went back to my story and where it all began. Of course I had the worthiness when I went in the hospital but the sickness and negativity drew me down to a point of not loving myself. We all experience the highs and lows and when the lows outweigh the highs then it is a time to take a look and balance out the emotions. We are all born innocent but we do carry transference from the time we are in the womb. We carry the expectations of what is handed down to us and we swim in the pool of shame at times. There are no pre-requisites for worthiness. So let’s dig into our stories and relate to where it all began or at least when you think you lost yourself.

The way to deal with inadequate feelings of self-worthiness is to begin to learn and understand resiliency. Before one can become resilient it is best to do emotional clearing. One must identify with emotional triggers, learn what self love looks like, remove guilt and projection, and talk about their pain and past experiences. When we remove the head noise, the negative voices that surface that tell us we are nothing, and can’t do anything; then we can meet the need necessary to succeed and make proper choices and have better relationships. Here are some tips to getting started with finding “your worthiness”.

  • Write down any trigger you experience in a day and what caused it
  • Write down who and what you envy
  • Do one free liberal thing a week even if it’s going away alone for the day
  • Emotions: anger, sadness, happiness; write down when you experience these, how and where in your body
  • Write down your resistances
  • Make change in one area of your life this week

Worthiness can be learned, cultivated and mostly felt from your heart. Learning always requires letting go of some layers so if you are ready the journey is yours.