Can anyone shed some light on why a woman would cry after sex? The other day, after some amazing sex, she lay in my arms and started to cry! I was scared, I thought I did something wrong or she did something bad! She assured me that everything was ok but because I’ve never experienced this before I can’t scratch the feeling that something was wrong. Thought?

So amazing that her full body felt it from head to toe and so opening and releasing she emotionally shed tears. This is a good thing and nothing to be worried about for him or her. Sex is a powerful release that can bring on tears of joy and pain…so her sexual release opened up other areas of her body and mind which is a full body release that she experienced. He was instrumental in this because on some level she trusted him. On a deeper level he touched her and gave her the comfort a woman needs to have at these special moments of engaging in sex. Sex should always be regarded as special, sacred and opening to heal each other no matter what the relationship is between you both. A man should feel good that his trusting self and masculine essence played a role here.

Crying during and after sex is not uncommon. In fact some women keep it hidden in fear that he won’t accept the expression and emotion. In fact some men fear this and aren’t sure what to do or expect if she cries. It is all part of growing with the emotions. Crying after sex is not indicative of psychological or traumatic concerns. It is a sign that she needs attention, love, and compassion and to be heard, held and understood. Crying is a hidden voice that finally explodes when other areas of the body are opening. Another reason that one can cry after sex because the brain releases oxytocin which can be overwhelming at times and part of the full body orgasm. If the tears are there and release naturally during or after sex then the psychosexual self needed a cleanse. Sometimes the tears are the orgasmic release instead of the sexual release which can bring joy in connecting more deeply. So it is all an orgasm; anything that is a release is orgasm such as a sneeze and tears. The tears are also an indication that you have trust in this person and feel comfortable enough to let go and open up; spread your wings so to speak. Sometimes the burdens we carry from past experiences such as shame, hiding, and denial, difficulty with intimacy or trauma can result in this powerful release of tears during the sexual process. Crying doesn’t mean something is wrong presently but a wound was unleashed and needs to heal.
Once you are out of the bedroom it is best to sit down and discuss this with your partner and assure him that that all is well and no need to feel guilty. I suggest finding a quiet place to discuss what just happened and get each other’s feelings on this and what you both experienced during the moment. He too may have been moved inside and opened to a deeper level as well. We initiate each other into opening more presently. Finding warmth in this moment is crucial.

What I can suggest for men if you find yourself in this situation the best thing is to comfort and support the moment that she is living. You can hold her and speak soft words letting her know that you are there for her and it is acceptable for her to cry in bed during sex.